In honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day, Érudit would like to highlight the contribution of the scholarly journals published on our platform to the field of Indigenous Studies.
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Discover scholarly publications in indigenous studies
Études Inuit Studies
Études Inuit Studies is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of traditional and contemporary Inuit societies. Published at Université Laval by the Centre interuniversitaire d’études et de recherches autochtones (CIÉRA), it publishes articles in French, English and in the various dialects of Inuktitut.
Rankin, Lisa K., et al. “The Role of the Nunatsiavut Heritage Forum in the Development of Community Archaeology.” Études Inuit Studies, volume 46, number 2, 2022, p. 271–288
Resulting from a research project carried out by a multidisciplinary group of researchers, “The role of the « Nunatsiavut Heritage Forum » in the development of community archaeology” invites reflection upon the actions that have been undertaken, and those that remain to be done, in order to respond to the concerns of Inuit communities regarding the preservation and promotion of their cultural heritage. We invite you to consult this article in English or in Inuktitut. [Restricted access – please log in through a subscribed library!]
Revue d’études autochtones
Since 1971, Revue d’études autochtones (formerly Recherches amérindiennes au Québec) has published research articles about different aspects of and issues affecting Indigenous cultures in Quebec and around the world. One of the only entirely French-speaking publications dedicated to Indigenous studies, it covers a wide range of disciplines, from social anthropology to political and legal sciences. The Revue d’études autochtones team recently caught up with Érudit to discuss their journal’s history as well as its significance in the Quebec research landscape.
Kaine, Élisabeth and Denise Lavoie. “La gouvernance en recherche autochtone : « Pour y arriver, tu dois d’abord désapprendre ce que tu sais et ensuite m’écouter ».” Revue d’études autochtones, volume 52, number 3, 2022–2023, p. 105–113.
The article “La gouvernance en recherche autochtone : ‘Pour y arriver, tu dois d’abord désapprendre ce que tu sais et ensuite m’écouter’” presents an innovative research management model, adapted to the realities of Indigenous cultures. You can read this important study conducted by Élisabeth Kaine and Denise Lavoie by clicking here.
Les Cahiers du CIÉRA
Since their creation in 2008, the Cahiers du CIÉRA has highlighted studies with collaborative and participatory methodological approaches, carried out with the involvement of Indigenous communities. The student community remains at the heart of the journal’s administration, which focuses on Indigenous matters by always leaving room for their voices, whether students’ or creators’.
Abanda Ngono, Fernande and Şükran Tipi. “Épistémologies autochtones et crise climatique : introduction.” Les Cahiers du CIÉRA, number 22, june 2023, p. 5–11.
The article “Épistémologies autochtones et crise climatique : introduction” by Fernande Abanda Ngono and Şükran Tipi constitutes an ideal entry point for those who wish to understand the impact of territorial changes linked to the climate crisis on Indigenous practices and modes of knowledge. You can read it for free by clicking here.
First Peoples Child & Family Review
First Peoples Child & Family Review aims to highlight the issues and specificities relating to the themes of childhood, family, and community within First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities, as well as Indigenous peoples throughout the world. In accordance with its values, the journal encourages the participation of children in both its activities and the research projects it publishes.
De La Sablonnière-Griffin, Mireille, et al. “A Longitudinal Study to Better Understand Child Protection Intervention for First Nations Children.” First Peoples Child & Family Review, volume 18, number 1, 2023, p. 97–120.
Written by a consortium of researchers across four Quebec universities, “A Longitudinal Study to Better Understand Child Protection Intervention for First Nations Children” draws attention to the treatment of First Nations children within child protection services. You can read the article by clicking on this link.
Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development
In Canada, the study of the economic development of Indigenous communities has been supported for more than twenty years by the Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development (JAED), which flipped to open access this year. Versatile by nature, the JAED edits just as many theoretical articles as interviews or poetic texts.
Coates, Ken et Greg Finnegan. « Where Exactly Are All the First Nation Businesses? Interpreting the First Nation Business Environment in the Yukon, 2008-2021. » Journal of Aboriginal Economic Development, volume 14, number 1, p. 36-73.
The article “« Where Exactly Are All the First Nation Businesses? » Interpreting the First Nation Business Environment in the Yukon, 2008-2021” compiles the results of a study conducted by history professors Kenneth Coates and Greg Finnegan on the under-representation of First Nations business people in Yukon’s growing economy. To learn more about their approach, and to discover how it is possible to further support Indigenous entrepreneurs, go to this page, where the article will soon be accessible.
International Indigenous Policy Journal
Led by an international editorial committee, the International Indigenous Policy Journal (IIPJ) promotes work studying policies that affect different Indigenous communities around the world. In addition to encouraging research carried out in collaboration with First Nations, the articles IIPJ publishes aim to promote evidence-based policymaking in addition to bringing researchers and policy-makers into dialogue with their communities.
Findlay, Leanne, et al. “Child care participation among Indigenous children in Canada.” The International Indigenous Policy Journal, volume 14, number 3, 2023, p. 1–26.
Resulting from the work of a group of researchers at Statistics Canada, “Child Care Participation Among Indigenous Children in Canada” was written as a response to the Canadian Government’s publication of the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework, attempting to make the program’s research more precise by analyzing the involvement in Canadian child care programs of First Nation peoples living outside reserves, as well as Métis and Inuit people, before and during the pandemic. Read it here, in open access.