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Érudit is a digital platform that disseminates over 300 journals specializing in various SSH and natural sciences disciplines, but we do not intervene in journals’ editorial practices.

Articles and research must therefore be presented directly to a journal’s editorial board. To learn more about a journal’s editorial policy and submission process, visit the About page each journal on the platform. You can also browse the list of journals by discipline.

Érudit provides access to the dissertation databases of several Canadian universities by harvesting their metadata (topics, authors, disciplines, etc.), but a dissertation cannot be disseminated directly on the platform. Please contact your institution’s library and information services to publish your document online.

You can browse the list of scholarly and cultural journals disseminated by Érudit on our website. Each journal also has an About page, available from the list of journals, which will provide additional information.

Your work has been digitized and published online on the Érudit platform as part of an agreement with the journal. The journal has signed a non-exclusive dissemination contract with the platform, declaring that, at the best of the editor’s knowledge, the journal holds the necessary rights to grant a dissemination licence to its content. If you wish to revoke these rights, please contact us at and specify which article you would like us to remove.


Scholarly journals can apply for inclusion by completing the form on the Call for Applications webpage, after which their applications will be evaluated by Érudit’s scientific committee. The call is open annually during the winter.

The cultural journals published on Érudit are members of the Société de développement des périodiques culturels québécois (SODEP). If your journal is already a member, we invite you to contact us directly at If you are not a member, we invite you to contact the SODEP.

The dissemination agreement you signed with Érudit is non-exclusive, so you can sign other dissemination agreements with third parties, whether it be an author or another platform. Licensing the author is probably the easiest way to go if you have exclusive rights to the article.

On the other hand, in order to protect the work you have done on the article and to prevent one copy from being commercialized and another from being freely disseminated, we suggest that you license the first version of the article, not the revised or published version.


For libraries: Two types of institutional subscriptions are available: by individual title or to a thematic collection of titles. 

For users interested in individual subscription: Érudit does not offer a subscription management service for individuals. We invite you to communicate directly with the journal you are interested in and to follow their instructions. Contact information is usually available on the page of each journal, accessible by browsing the list of journals.

Institutional subscription
Complete the Access Options form to receive more information. Érudit will send you a detailed quote based on your request. Once the quote is accepted, Érudit will provide your institution with access to the subscribed titles through IP address recognition.

Individual subscription
Many journals offer subscriptions to individuals for their restricted content. Since Érudit does not offer a subscription management service for individuals, we invite you to communicate directly with the journal you are interested in. You may also complete the Access Options form.


The list below is subject to change without notice. It is important that you contact the journal you wish to subscribe to directly to obtain an individual subscription. The journals that offer individual subscriptions are :

• Les Cahiers de droit
• Les Cahiers de la Société québécoise de recherche en musique
• Canadian Social Work Review
• Études littéraires
• Intermédialités
• Intersections
• Journal of the Canadian Historical Association
• Laval théologique et philosophique
• Le Naturaliste Canadien
• Meta
• Nouvelles pratiques sociales
• Ontario History
• Phytoprotection
• Politique et Sociétés
• Recherches féministes
• Recherches sociographiques
• Relations industrielles
• Scientia Canadensis
• Tangence
• Théologiques

If you are unable to access some of the content on Érudit, access to it may be restricted to users of Érudit’s subscribing or partner libraries.

So if you cannot access content despite being logged in from a library, we invite you to confirm with a librarian at your institution their subscription status.

  • Over 95 % of Érudit’s collection is available in open access. The open access model differs by content type:
    • Scholarly journals may choose to be disseminated in immediate open access (i.e., all issues are open access) or delayed open access (i.e. a moving wall limits access to issues published within the last 12 months, in accordance with funding agencies’ policies). In addition, archived journals (which have ceased publication) are fully open access;
    • Cultural journals are disseminated on a delayed open access basis with a 3-year moving wall;
    • Books, theses, proceedings and research reports are available in immediate open access;
    • On our website, a red open padlock identifies open access journals. Alternatively, you can use the “open access” filter in the list of journals.


Documents disseminated on Érudit may be used for fair and non-commercial purposes, such as for private study or research, criticism and review. If the intended use lies outside of these situations, you will need to contact the publisher of the excerpt you are interested in to find out more about reproduction options. We do not hold any copyrights.

Érudit does not own the content disseminated on its platform. Only the journal’s management can give permission for an article to be copied. Contact information can be found on a journal’s About page on the Érudit platform.

There is a number of ways to stay informed of the latest publications available:

Access to a data corpus of the Érudit collection is permitted and supervised as part of the Coalition Publica Partnership. To obtain the data or for more information, please visit the Services for Researchers page on the Coalition Publica website.