The SODEP and Érudit are once again partnering to bring you a holiday version of Culture to go. Each week until Christmas, discover a selection of articles inspired by this period of celebrations.
We suggest you start with the preparation of the festivities: from decorating the tree to buying gifts. Then it’s time to put on your skates or take an invigorating walk. Next, let’s meet up with the family to taste the many typical dishes of New Year’s Eve. And finally, fall back into youth by remembering the children’s movie classics.
Help yourself to a good hot chocolate and enjoy unwrapping our cultural advent calendar!
Happy reading!
Decorations and consumerism
Decorate your home without spending too much!
Gagnon, C-L. (1968-69). Poème de Noël Hippie. Vie des arts, (53), 10-15. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/58195ac
Hequet, C, Massé, É. (2017). La consommation responsable pour s’opposer au Noël marchand ?. Relations, (793), 12-13. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/86719ac
Laurent, M. (2014). Noël en cadeau. Continuité, (139), 17–19. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/70878ac
Winter outings
Show off your cold-red cheeks!
Béland, M. (1994). Aux origines de la sculpture sur glace. Continuité, (59), 18–20. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/100ac
Tessier, Y. (1987). Genèse de notre sport national. Cap-aux-Diamants, (2-4), 3-6. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/6546ac
Hardy-Vallée, M. (2022). Pierre Blache, L’insolence des villes — Restez à la maison; allez marcher / Pierre Blache, L’insolence des villes — Stay Home; Take a Walk. Ciel variable, (121), 35–45. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/100181ac [restricted access – log in via a subscribing library!]
Culinary arts and festivities
Work up an appetite!
Benoit, J. (1960). La table des Fêtes à l’époque coloniale. Vie des Arts, (21), 44–47. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/55208ac
Drakulic, S. (1991). La messe de minuit. XYZ. La revue de la nouvelle, (25), 74-78. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/3341ac
Mongrain-Dontigny, M. (1996). Au menu du réveillon. Cap-aux-Diamants, (47), 34–38. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/8236ac
Children’s movie classics
Relive your childhood joys!
Caron, A. (1994). Tim Burton’s Nightmare before Christmas. Séquences, (168), 43-44. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/59495ac
Côté, J.-G. (1984). Compte rendu de [De l’image à l’imaginaire : La guerre des tuques — un film et un livre]. Ciné-Bulles, 4(4), 22–23. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/34404ac
Falardeau, É. (2020). Il était une fois… des Contes pour tous. 24 images, (194), 56–61. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/93086ac [restricted access – log in via a subscribing library!]
Renaud, B. (1988). L’écriture pour le cinéma. Lurelu, 11(2), 34–35. https://id.erudit.org/iderudit/12595ac
Graphics: Tatiana Matsoulevitch