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The naming of the Advisory Committee of Coalition

Coalition, a national partnership providing sustainable support for journals transitioning to open access. Created in the spring of 2017, Coalition aims to establish an infrastructure dedicated to the digital production and dissemination of research results in the Canadian humanities and social sciences (HSS).

2016-2017 Annual Report

img class=”alignleft wp-image-3468 size-large” src=”×536.png” alt=”Annual report 2017 ENG” width=”1024″ height=”536″ /> In the past year, we focused on renewing our Canadian university libraries partnership, a move that enabled the creation of a support fund for open-access journals and helped reduce the restricted access period

2018 Call for Applications – Scholarly Journals

We’re launching a call for applications for scholarly journals wishing to be distributed on Érudit platform. Selection criterias, application procedure and formular are  Journals must submit their applications before April 28, 2017.

New Érudit Platform: Features

Find what you’re looking for, and even more, on the new The new platform’s complete and technical overhaul is the result of a one and a half year’s work by the Érudit team. Our aim is to improve article views and welcome the arrival of new services.

Érudit Platform Redesign

Towards a new Érudit in autumn 2016! Since several months, our development team has been working on the next release of Érudit platform. Platform’s interface (“front-end”), technologies (“back-end”) and services provided will be updated. The new platform launch is expected for autumn 2016. This new

A consortium built around Substance

Last year, the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) and the Collaborative Knowledge Foundation (CoKo) partnered to support an open source ecosystem for knowledge creation and dissemination. Today, we are proud to announce that, in conjunction with Consortium Érudit, we are taking another concrete step towards this common