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Culture to Go – Winter 2024 Session

Both contemplative and approachable, cultural articles take an imaginative look at fundamental elements of Quebec’s cultural landscape.

For the fourth year in a row, Érudit and the Société de développement des périodiques culturels québécois (SODEP) present a new edition of Culture to Go. Each week in December, discover a selection of cultural articles based on three distinct themes, all linked to the holiday season. Please note that all articles are available in French only.

Grab yourself a hot drink, wrap up warm with a thick blanket, and indulge in the singular voices of Québec’s finest writers.

Story Time

In the depths of an enchanted forest, gather around a crackling campfire. As you wait to warm up, take turns telling each other stories that have been shared thousands of times, tales deeply embedded in the collective imagination. Under the moonlight, listen carefully: can you hear the footsteps of animals inching to hear your tales?

Andrae, Steffen. “Une brève sociologie du conte.” Siggi, issue 6, spring 2023, p. 43–44. [restricted access – log in through a subscribed library]

Elawani, Ralph. “Faites circuler. Fêter Noël est un art qui se perd.Lettres québécoises, issue 168, winter 2017, p. 72–73.

Paroles contemporaines : le renouveau du conte.” Spirale, issue 192, September — October 2003, p. 3-62.

Back to Childhood

Just for a moment, step back into your childhood. Do you smell the Christmas tree’s comforting, woodsy aroma permeating every room in the house? Beyond the window stretches an endless snowy landscape, while in the living room, a pile of presents has magically appeared. Are you feeling that long-lost excitement once more? It’s Christmas morning!

Comeau, Michelle. “L’enfant courtisé : Santa Claus entre le commerce et la magie.Cap-aux-Diamants, issue 40, winter 1995, p. 22–25.

Guindon, Ginette. “Noël dans la littérature de jeunesse au Québec.Lurelu, issue 4, number 4, winter 1981, p. 3–8.

Noël! Fête des petits enfants.Vie des Arts, issue 13, Christmas 1958, p. 8.

A Sweet Tooth

From maple groves brimming with sweet sap to lively sugar shack tables, the holiday season would be nothing without its traditional maple syrup, an enduring symbol of Québécois culture. Indulge your sweet tooth and give in to your most maple-y culinary desires: be they pancakes drizzled with syrup or maple-leaf cookies, anything goes.

Laplante, Robert. “L’histoire des artisans sucriers québécois / Jean-Roch Morin, La route des sucriers. Quand on faisait les sucres en noir et blanc au Québec, Québec, Édtions Conifère, 2023, 240 pages.Les Cahiers de lecture de L’Action nationale, volume 18, issue 2, spring 2024, p. 9–9. [restricted access – log in through a subscribed library]

Mercille, Charlotte. “L’argent pousse dans les érables.Continuité, issue 164, spring 2020, p. 36–38.

Séguin, Robert-Lionel. “Petite et grande histoire de la cabane à sucre.” Vie des arts, issue 45, winter 1967, p. 40–45.

The Érudit and SODEP teams wish you a very happy holiday season!

Graphic design: Myriam Bourbeau