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Appointment of Frédéric Bouchard as Chairman of Érudit’s Board of Directors

Photo de Frédéric Bouchard.

Consortium Érudit is pleased to announce the appointment of Frédéric Bouchard as Chairman of its Board of Directors.

A philosopher of science, Frédéric Bouchard is Professor in the Department of Philosophy at Université de Montréal and the first holder of ÉSOPE Chair in philosophy (2014-2018). He is also Associate vice-president to research, discovery, creation and innovation at Université de Montréal and Director of Acfas.

“Érudit is fortunate to be able to rely on a Board of Directors composed of high-level scholars. These researchers, librarians and journals’ directors possess essential and complementary competencies in knowledge production and dissemination. We are also privileged to work in close collaboration with Fonds de recherche du Québec – Société et Culture (FRQ-SC). Together, we are strongly committed to offer society a shared and open service, and make it the best digital tool of knowledge dissemination it can be,” says Frédéric Bouchard.

The Associates of Consortium Érudit (UdeM, Université Laval and UQAM) and the members of the Board of Directors wish to sincerely thank Ms. Dominique Bérubé, who had been serving as Chairwomen of the Consortium since 2012. They would also like to thank Érudit’s Executive Director, Tanja Niemann, and all her team for the work undertaken.

“Dominique Bérubé has steered the Consortium very well in a transitional environment, creating solid foundations for a new business plan providing further dissemination of research results. She has led the way to establish a first innovative partnership with Canadian university libraries and contributed to the recognition of Érudit as a Major Science Initiative by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation. We will continue this work by strengthening Érudit’s national and international partnerships and by increasing the Consortium’s support for the digital publishing of our scientists’ results”, claims Frédéric Bouchard.

Érudit’s complete Board of Directors and its organisation chart are available online:

About Érudit:
Canada’s largest disseminator of French and bilingual publications, Érudit is an interuniversity Consortium (Université de Montréal, Université Laval and Université de Québec à Montréal).