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Scholarly journals at the heart of indigenous studies

In honor of National Indigenous Peoples Day, Érudit would like to highlight the contribution of the scholarly journals published on our platform to the field of Indigenous Studies. Enjoy your reading ! Discover scholarly publications in indigenous studies Études Inuit Studies Études Inuit Studies is

Portrait of Canadian scholarly journals

Scholarly publishing practices have been transformed by digital technologies over the past twenty years. Indeed, the funding models of academic journals, both in Canada and abroad, are being challenged by the transition towards open access, which is picking up speed and seems set to become

Research Notes

The ÉruditResearch Team has conducted four research notes on issues impacting the scholarly communication community: Open-Access Principles and Policies Copyright and Creative Commons Licenses Open Science Scholarly Impact Metrics These notes, also available on these pages in English and French, can be widely shared.

Open access in Canada

To mark International Open Access Week, we’re pleased to share key findings from a recent study on open access in Canada. The study was conducted by Érudit’s Scientific Director Vincent Larivière, who is also a professor at the University of Montreal and the Canada Research Chair in