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5 Questions With

5 questions with Revue d’études autochtones

To mark National Indigenous History Month, Érudit spoke to the team behind the journal Revue d’études autochtones. We wanted to find out more about the journal's name change officially announced at its 50th anniversary, as well as its role in shaping the field of Native Studies.

5 questions with… Industrial Relations

For this latest instalment of our "5 questions with..." series, we wanted to follow the progress of journals that have recently changed their distribution model to offer their entire collection in immediate open access. Relations industrielles / Industrial Relations is one of seven journals to

5 questions with… Éducation et francophonie

Continuing our "5 questions with..." interview series, Érudit spoke to the team behind the journal Éducation et francophonie. Natalie Delarive, editor, and Anderson Araújo-Oliveira, chairman of the editorial board and full professor at the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM), answered our questions. On the

5 questions with… Drogues, santé et société

For this fifth interview in the "5 questions with..." series, Érudit spoke with Jean-Sébastien Fallu, editor-in-chief and director of the journal Drogues, santé et société, on the occasion of the journal's 20th anniversary. A multidisciplinary scientific journal, Drogues, santé et société is "dedicated to the publication

5 questions with… Le Naturaliste canadien

For this fourth interview in the series, Érudit talked with Le Naturaliste canadien, which disseminates knowledge, in French, on themes regarding nature and environment in North America. The journal is currently directed by Denise Tousignant, an expert scientific editor who is certified in the life

5 questions with… Politique et Sociétés

Politique et Sociétés : open to the world and its discipline For this third interview, Érudit talks with Politique et Sociétés, a generalist political science journal with the objective of disseminating French-language think pieces and research articles from Québec and abroad. Founded in 1995, it