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Author: Gwendal Henry

Annual Report 17-18

We are pleased to present to you our annual report for the year 2017-2018, during which we have been working hard to consolidate our national mission, to develop the Partnership for Open Access and to launch new research activities. Thirteen new journals joined our platform, of which

The naming of the Advisory Committee of Coalition

Coalition, a national partnership providing sustainable support for journals transitioning to open access. Created in the spring of 2017, Coalition aims to establish an infrastructure dedicated to the digital production and dissemination of research results in the Canadian humanities and social sciences (HSS).

Implementation of a privacy policy

Following the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Union, Érudit has issued a “Privacy policy” (read it here) as well as a “Cookie policy” (available here), in compliance with the GDPR requirements, as well as with Quebec’s provisions set out in the

A Funding Opportunity for a Digitization Project

Érudit recently became aware of this interesting funding opportunity for the digitization of heritage documents: Driven by the National Heritage Digitization Strategy (NHDS) Steering Committee, this initiative aims to “make accessible and preserve documentary heritage material of national significance.” The total amount of funding available

2016-2017 Annual Report

img class=”alignleft wp-image-3468 size-large” src=”×536.png” alt=”Annual report 2017 ENG” width=”1024″ height=”536″ /> In the past year, we focused on renewing our Canadian university libraries partnership, a move that enabled the creation of a support fund for open-access journals and helped reduce the restricted access period

CO.SHS Project

Improving the way we produce, discover and explore digital scholarly publications is, in a nutshell, the goal of the Open Cyberinfrastructure for the humanities and social sciences (CO.SHS). The project is led by Vincent Larivière, holder of the Canada Research Chair on the Transformations of

New journals on Érudit

There will be 17 new journals on Érudit in 2017 and 2018! Six of these new journals will be accessible in open access : Architecture Canada, Éthique en éducation et formation, Recherches qualitatives, Québec Journal of International Law, Revue Gouvernance and Revue musicale OICRM. The other