Recognize, Promote, Reinforce: Concrete Recommendations to Improve the Future of Scholarly Publishing
Quebec and Canadian scholarly journals are at a crossroads. As a result of the rise of new digital technologies and the accelerated globalization of research, they are operating in an environment of profound recomposition. More recently, the affirmation of open access and a range of other open science practices has further disrupted this context already in flux.
The Symposium québécois des revues savantes was organized by Acfas and Érudit in response to these challenges.
Held in Montreal in the fall of 2023, the event brought together numerous journal editors and librarians to explore the current issues in scholarly publishing. The result was a series of concrete recommendations for the various key players in the research ecosystem, which we present to you here.
Enjoy your reading!

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To cite this publication: Beth, S., Henry, G., Fortier, A.-M., van Bellen, S. (2024). Recognize, Promote, Reinforce: Recommendations from the Symposium québécois des revues savantes. Érudit and Acfas.