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Érudit Platform Redesign

Towards a new Érudit in autumn 2016!

Since several months, our development team has been working on the next release of Érudit platform. Platform’s interface (“front-end”), technologies (“back-end”) and services provided will be updated. The new platform launch is expected for autumn 2016.

This new version will offer users an improved reading experience due to a refined interface, also more suitable to different reading terminals (phone, pad and computer). Amongst the benefits aimed by the redesign are original features addition and a better dissemination of contents available on Érudit.

User Committee
As part of the project, we set up a user committee composed of more than twenty leading players of scientific and cultural dissemination in Canada (universities and colleges’ librarians, scientific and cultural journals’ editors, et cetera). This committee provide support to the works of the development team in order to create a platform answering different needs.

Open Source Code
All used and developed technologies for the platform, as all services provided by Érudit, are realised in open source code, i.e. they are available, updatable and free to all. Hence, Érudit is contributing towards open technologies progress. These technologies can be downloaded at this address:

Stay tuned, we are looking forward to presenting the result of our work!

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